Stripe Checkout Page

Get a brand replica product payment in Stripe

This mode utilizes Stripe’s hosting feature, directing your customers to Stripe’s payment page when making a payment.


Based on feedback from numerous customers, including our professional Stripe account sales team, this mode offers lower risk control. It is particularly recommended for new accounts.Featuring an exclusive and advanced seamless jumping mode, our system employs high-precision identification of Stripe crawlers.


Using the Token method of API calls, it detects the IP header to guide Stripe crawlers to a secure page.We have implemented various strategies to minimize the blocked rate, ensuring smoother transactions.

Multi Account

With our exclusive program processing, the jumping process leaves no traces, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for both merchants and customers.

Our exclusive AB Polling Payment System allows seamless integration of PayPal and Stripe into websites across various industries, including replica products, diet pills, digital products, e-cigarettes, adult products, and other sectors not typically supported by standard payment gateways.

How We Work

All money making industries are within the disallowed terms, imagine you build a replica product website, if you don’t do any measures, you directly use PayPal or Stripe payment gateway to make online payment, then when you start to get paid, your account will be blocked!

You CAN NOT receive the brand replica product money in PayPal without any technical measures, otherwise, your account will be gone once caught by paypal.

As is well known, the Paypal and Stripe has strict policies to against the counterfeits and replica products, receiving money without any technical protection will result in the loss of your money, goods, and account, resulting in significant losses.

Perhaps you would say that I can receive payment through Paypal and Stripe invoice transfer, so that Paypal and Stripe won’t know, but in fact, it’s not! Paypal and Stripe has established a strong “data and information sharing” alliance with platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook, and is maximizing the capture of your selling fake sales information. You may have one or two lucky chances of not being caught, but as long as you receive a few more times, Paypal and Stripe will definitely know that you are selling fake products.

The Best Way To 'pass' In The World Is Always To ' Everything Seems Normal

By establishing two websites, A (replica product website) and B (compliant product website), visitors place orders through A website. The order system sends the order information to our AB system, which processes and forwards the completed order details to B website. B website then submits the order to the payment gateway for payment.

Once the customer completes the payment, the payment gateway returns the payment result to B website. B website, in turn, relays the result back to the AB system. Our system then notifies A website whether the payment has been successfully completed.

Is It Enough To Just Do Jump Payments? No, Of Course Not.

PayPal and Stripe are not stupid, they will quickly recognize your tricks and catch you soon.

PayPal and Stripe monitor your daily usage based on big data. For example, if you normally have dozens of orders per day on your website and the average price of a product is $100, but you suddenly have 200 orders one day or your average price suddenly becomes $500, then you will be recognized as a high-risk user by their detection system.


Our Features

We utilize state-of-the-art AB Jump technology, incorporating crawler processing technology and multi-account rotating payment collection technology. Securely collect payments on any website using PayPal and Stripe payment gateways.

In order to confuse PayPal and stripe detection, we have introduced a “Polling Switch Payment” measure. What is it? Simply put, it means using multiple accounts to take turns receiving payments, reducing the probability of one account being caught overcharging. Moreover, it is best to make strategic choices about the probability of receiving payments, for example, each receiving account can be set with more intelligent and randomized control over the receiving process, such as the receiving time, receiving region, number of order, amount, which greatly avoids PayPal’s and Stripe’s monitoring and review.

Unique payment crawler recognition module

Our AB Jump Payment Polling System employs intermediate redirection and gateway modes, multi-layered data redirection, and payment gateway spider recognition technology to prevent the actual selling website from being identified by payment platforms.

The guiding measures for spiders are the core!

When a visitor pays for an order through PayPal and Stripe, the payment gateway crawler will also crawl your website, of course we do an AB jump, then the crawler crawls your compliant one, but technically, the jump is traceable, so if the crawler is not guided, then the payment gateway crawler will crawl your replica products website, of course, the payment gateway crawler, has a very distinctive feature, which will be recognized by our ab system, and will be guided accurately back to the page of the B website.

Support Integrations.

We have integrated with various e-commerce platforms, including Shopyy, WooCommerce, WordPress, OpenCart, and ZenCart. If you need integration with more e-commerce sites, we can provide you with the necessary documentation. Please feel free to contact us!

AB Payment Polling Jump System Principle


Frequently Ask Questions

When running a replica products website, you cannot use PayPal and Stripe as the online payment gateway. We have developed the Ab Jump system to enable your replica products website to utilize PayPal and Stripe gateways for online payment collection.

We currently have WordPress, Opencart, ZenCart Shopyy integration completed!

You need to contact us and then we will open access for you!

You need to prepare two websites: one for selling your products, such as replica shoes, and another for selling compliant products, which can be any products as long as they meet regulatory requirements.

We can assure you that the risk of your PayPal or Stripe account being disabled due to product issues is less than 1% after implementing our AB Jump system. With customers worldwide, feedback indicates excellent results for PayPal and Stripe integration with AB Jump.

The AB Jump System does not impose restrictions on any website. Whether your site sells replica products, adult items, weight loss products, whitening products, breast enhancement products, etc., by utilizing the AB Jump System, your website can seamlessly use PayPal and Stripe for payment processing without any issues or blocks.

With our ab Jump system, we charge on a yearly basis, we only charge for the yearly usage and nothing extra.

Currently only supported by PayPal, Stripe, Square.

Sorry, we can't offer a trial at this time, but we can offer you a demo version.

Contact us for a demo!

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